Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Revamped painting

I thought I had finished this painting, but have added the pandanus tree in the foreground. I didn't like the hard horizon before so I have blurred it.
(the original painting appears further down the blog)

1 comment:

Maria Catalina Wiley said...

Hi Chris,
Thanks for dropping by my blog. In reply to your comment:

Wow, I haven't read over that older post for some time ... that first big workshop I ever attended was such an eye-opener for me! Learnt so much in such a short space of time. I painted my first painting at this workshop! I felt like I'd dived straight into the deep end but I was surrounded by so many lovely, encouraging artists there ... If you get a chance Chris, I highly recommend the Cooee Bay Artist camp & I can even send you the contact info if you're interested?
btw love what you did to this painting!